I. Communities

Integra allows customers to manipulate their network announcements by sending BGP communities. Customers can send communities to adjust Integra local preference, and modify export behavior. Customers can use various combinations of these communities to control their inbound traffic flows.

Integra strips any unrecognized BGP communities received from the customer. Integra does not propagate any BGP communities to non-customers, originated by Integra or otherwise.

Local Preference Manipulation

Integras Backbone Local Preference Policy uses the following values:

65, 75, 80, 85Integra Peers
100Integra BGP Customers (default)
100Integra Internal and static routed customers

Customers may send the following communities to modify BGP local preference given to networks announced to Integra:

CommunityIntegra Local PreferenceEffect on Integra Route Preference
7385:6060Last Resort -- Only use this route when alternate providers no longer have this route.
7385:7070Backup #2 -- Allows the customer to specify that the circuit on which ths route is learned is to be a backup to another circuit with Integra (since default is set to 100). Also causes the same route to be preferred if learned from and Integra Bilateral peer over the route marked with this community.
7385:9090Backup #1 -- Allows the customer to specify that the circuit on which this route is learned is to be a backup to another circuit with Integra
7385:110110Preferred -- This route is preferred over all others
  • Export Manipulation

Customers may send the following communities to modify Integra default export behavior, which is to export all accepted routes (assuming they have passed Integra filters) to all BGP peers including customers:

CommunityExport Behavior
7385:640Do not export to any BGP peers or customers (similar to well known community 'no-export')
7385:666Do not export to any BGP peers, but do export to Integra BGP customers

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