$Id: AS3327,v 1.593 2021/12/02 12:44:22 vladimir.drushchitz Exp $
Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:1::a500:3327:1
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) Peering AS ***
*** TELE2 Group ***
*** Infostrada S.p.A. ***
*** TIC The Internet Company AG ***
*** Arcor AG & Co. ***
*** XS4ALL Internet ***
*** TDC A/S ***
*** Swisscom Solutions Ltd ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Easynet Global Services ***
*** Internode Systems Pty Ltd ***
*** Telekom Malaysia ***
*** Orange Nederland B.V. ***
*** Russian Backbone Network ***
*** internetSDT ***
*** Belgacom International Carrier Services ***
*** Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) Route Servers AS ***
*** Microsoft European Data Center ***
*** Telefonica Deutschland GmbH ***
*** Hurricane Electric ***
*** Mobile TeleSystems OJSC ***
*** Claranet Benelux ***
*** Telekom Austria TA AG ***
*** XB Networks B.V. ***
*** Versatel West GmbH ***
*** Emirates Telecommunications Corporation ***
*** ReTN.net ***
*** M247 Ltd ***
*** AtHome-Benelux-BV ***
*** Academic Services Network (ASNet) ***
*** Taiwan Internet Gateway ***
*** Yahoo! Europe ***
*** BIT BV ***
*** Concepts ICT ***
*** Highwinds Network Group, Inc ***
*** Init Seven AG ***
*** Versatel ***
*** LambdaNet Communications Deutschland AG, Hannover ***
*** TalkTalk ***
*** Peer 1 Network ***
*** Google Inc. ***
*** CAIW Autonomous System ***
*** Neuf Cegetel(SFR) ***
*** Finecom Telecommunications AG ***
*** TELECITY London ***
*** Port80 ***
*** LeaseWeb ***
*** OVH ***
*** BroadbandONE ***
*** RTLNederland Interactief B.V. ***
*** Open Peering Initiative ***
*** Lie-Comtel ***
*** Titan Networks Internet & Telecommunications ***
*** SIG - IP-MAN.NET ***
*** Akamai Technologies European AS ***
*** Limelight Networks, Inc. ***
*** Terremark ***
*** ISPrime, Inc. ***
*** NPO Publieke Omroep ***
*** Rokscom Internet B.V. ***
*** CAMBRIUM BV. ***
*** Unilogic Networks B.V. ***
*** Signet B.V. ***
*** Ecatel Network ***
*** RapidSwitch Ltd ***
*** Computel Standby BV ***
*** ComX Networks A/S ***
*** Jasmin Media Group Autonomus System ***
*** Virgin Radio UK ***
*** iunxi BV ***
*** VeriSign ***
*** Edutel B.V. ***
*** IPTriplePlay Service Network ***
*** Open Carrier eG ***
*** Qatar Telecom ***
*** Portlane ***
*** Amazon ***
*** Nianet ***
*** Facebook ***
*** Edpnet ***
*** IP Transit ***
*** Shaw Cablesystems ***
*** Hibernia Networks ***
*** IP Only ***
*** Net Ground B.V. ***
*** Justin TV, Twitch TV ***
*** EdgeCast Networks Inc. ***
*** Companhia Portuguesa Radio Marconi ***
*** Entanet International Ltd ***
*** Orange Business Services (Benelux) ***
*** Netflix ***
*** Media Network Services AS ***
*** Kaia Global Networks Ltd. ***
*** Voxility ***
*** Booking.com ***
*** Turk Telekom International ***
*** Lepida SpA ***
*** CloudFlare ***
*** Core-Backbone GmbH ***
*** Bezeq International ***
*** PJSC Datagroup ***
*** Zayo France ***
*** atom86 ***
The German Internet Exchange (DE-CIX)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8::cff:0:1
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Landeshochschulnetz Baden-Wuerttemberg (BelWue) ***
*** Infostrada S.p.A. ***
*** Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet ***
*** Arcor AG & Co. ***
*** TDC A/S ***
*** Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd ***
*** Beyond The Network America, Inc. ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Easynet Global Services ***
*** Telekom Malaysia ***
*** freenet Cityline GmbH ***
*** NetUSE AG ***
*** Posix Systems ***
*** Entreprise des P. et T. Luxembourg ***
*** Headlight Housing Factory GmbH ***
*** DE-CIX, The German Internet Exchange ***
*** Strato AG ***
*** internetSDT ***
*** Belgacom International Carrier Services ***
*** Telefonica Deutschland GmbH ***
*** Hurricane Electric ***
*** Microsoft European Data Center ***
*** MANDA ***
*** DIG GmbH ***
*** Telekom Austria TA AG ***
*** ENTANET International Ltd ***
*** Bezeq International ***
*** KAMP Netzwerkdienste GmbH ***
*** Companhia Portuguesa Radio Marconi ***
*** Netnod Internet Exchange Sverige AB ***
*** Romania Data Systems S.A. ***
*** regio[.NET] Holding GmbH ***
*** OSN Online Service Nuernberg GmbH ***
*** DTS-Service GmbH ***
*** Emirates Telecommunications Corporation ***
*** ReTN.net ***
*** M247 Ltd ***
*** SolNet Internet Solution Provider ***
*** SaarGate Internet Service Provider ***
*** Yahoo! Europe ***
*** eTel Austria AG ***
*** BIT BV ***
*** HEAG MediaNet GmbH ***
*** Highwinds Network Group, Inc ***
*** Init Seven AG ***
*** HanseNet Telekommunikation GmbH ***
*** LambdaNet Communications Deutschland AG, Hannover ***
*** Finecom Telecommunications AG ***
*** TELECITY London ***
*** HL komm Telekommunikations GmbH ***
*** LeaseWeb ***
*** OVH ***
*** RTLNederland Interactief B.V. ***
*** Titan Networks Internet & Telecommunications Service Providing GmbH ***
*** QSC AG ***
*** Akamai Technologies ***
*** Trusted Network ***
*** MAnet GmbH ***
*** Limelight Networks, Inc. ***
*** Hostway Gmbx ***
*** INET-People Provider Services ***
*** Rokscom Internet B.V. ***
*** rh-tec Business GmbH ***
*** Probe Networks ***
*** interscholz Internet Services GmbH Co. KG ***
*** arvato systems AS ***
*** Kaia Global Networks Ltd. ***
*** Neterra Ltd. ***
*** rh-tec Business GmbH ***
*** Jasmin Media Group Autonomus System ***
*** Baltcom IP ***
*** euronode carrier services ***
*** Open Carrier eG ***
*** Telenor ***
*** Qatar Telecom ***
*** Amazon ***
*** Nianet ***
*** Fiord ***
*** Facebook ***
*** IP Transit ***
*** NORDUnet ***
*** ITandTEL E-Werk Wels AG ***
*** Hibernia Networks ***
*** Mobile TeleSystems OJSC ***
*** IPTriplePlay Service Network ***
*** Justin TV, Twitch TV ***
** EdgeCast Networks Inc. ***
*** Equinix Germany ***
*** Neuf Cegetel(SFR) ***
*** Media Network Services AS ***
*** Hetzner Online AG ***
*** Voxility ***
*** Turk Telekom International ***
*** TalkTalk ***
*** Lepida SpA ***
*** CloudFlare ***
*** Core-Backbone GmbH ***
*** DataGroup PJSC ***
*** IT Systems ***
*** Zayo France ***
Latvian Internet eXchange (LIX)
IPv4 address: (
*** LATNET ***
*** Microlink Latvia ***
*** Lattelekom Apollo ***
*** Datagrupa 777 ***
*** Latvia Internet Exchange ***
Lithuanian Internet Exchange
IPv4 address:
*** State Enterprise Infostruktura ***
*** Penki Kontinentai, Ltd. ***
*** SC LRTC Internet services ***
*** MicroLink ***
*** Penkiu kontinentu komunikaciju centras, Ltd. ***
*** VINITA Internet Services ***
*** HOSTEX ***
*** Viginta ***
*** Cgates ***
*** Mikrovisatos TV ***
Tartu Internet Exchange (MIX-LAN)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:15:1::226
*** EENet ***
*** ASO ***
*** Kernel ***
Moscow Internet Exchange (MSK-IX)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:20:101::208:151
*** MSK-IX Route Servers ***
*** Russian Federal University Network ***
*** Research & Education Network ***
*** Russian Backbone Network ***
*** Macomnet ***
*** MSK-IX Services (MIS) ***
*** Technology & Networks Co ***
*** Fiord ***
*** GlobalNet ***
*** Yandex LLC ***
*** Edpnet ***
*** National Cable Networks ***
*** Orange Business Group ***
*** Fortex ***
*** Wnet ***
*** IT Systems ***
*** Foton Telecom ***
*** Microsoft Corporation ***
*** Verisign ***
*** Hurricane Electric ***
*** Apple Inc ***
*** Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. F-ROOT SVO1 ***
*** Interactive 3D AS49544.net Ubisoft ***
*** Twitch ***
*** Akamai Technologies ***
*** Tencent Global ***
*** Asympto Networks Kft. ***
Sankt-Petersburg Internet Exchange (SPB-IX)
IPv4 address:,
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:20:201::100:108, 2001:7f8:20:202::102:108
*** SPB-IX Route Servers ***
*** EDPNET ***
*** Quantil Networks ***
Swedish Internet Exchange (Netnod)
GE-A IPv4 address:,
GE-A IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:d:ff::164, 2001:7f8:d:fc::164
GE-B IPv4 address:,
GE-B IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:d:fe::164, 2001:7f8:d:fb::164
*** Netnod route servers ***
** RS / STH-A **
** RS / STH-B **
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** TELE2 Group ***
*** Telenor Nordic Fixed ***
*** NORDUnet ***
*** TDC A/S ***
*** Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd ***
*** Hurricane Electric ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Microsoft European Data Center ***
*** Mobile TeleSystems OJSC ***
*** Bahnhof AB ***
*** Netnod Internet Exchange Sverige AB ***
*** ReTN.net ***
*** IP-Only ***
*** Lidero Network AB ***
*** LambdaNet Communications Deutschland AG, Hannover ***
*** DNA, Finland ***
*** Akamai Technologies ***
*** Limelight Networks ***
*** Telecom3 Networks AB ***
*** Baltcom IP ***
*** Net at Once ***
*** Com Hem Sweden ***
*** Portlane ***
*** Amazon ***
*** Nianet ***
*** Qbrick ***
*** AllTele ***
*** Hibernia Networks ***
*** AT&T EMEA ***
*** Alands Datakommunikation Ab ***
*** Orange Business Services (Nordics) ***
*** Netflix ***
*** Highwinds ***
*** Mainloop ***
*** CloudFlare ***
*** Core-Backbone GmbH ***
Polish Internet eXchange (PL-IX)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:42::a500:3327:1
*** Equinix IX Warsaw MLPE Route Servers ***
*** MNI S.A. IP Backbone ***
*** Hurricane Electric ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Init7 AG ***
*** Provektor ***
*** Telekomunikacja Internetowa Sp. z o.o. ***
*** CloudFlare ***
*** Dolsat ***
*** Wnet ***
*** Oath Global Network ***
*** VeriSign Global Registry Services ***
*** i3D.net ***
*** Facebook Inc ***
*** Wnet Telecom USA ***
*** Korbank ***
Tallinn Internet Exchange (TLLIX)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:39:1:0:cff:0:10
*** EENet ***
*** INFONET.EE ***
*** Viatel ***
*** Televorgu AS ***
*** Compic Ltd. ***
*** CSC Telecom ***
Tallinn Governmental Internet eXchange (RTIX)
IPv4 address:,
IPv6 address: 2001:7F8:50:1:0:CFF:0:10, 2001:7F8:50:1:0:CFF:0:22
*** ASO ***
*** IPTRON.NET ***
*** KJPS ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Netnod Internet Exchange ***
*** EIS (Eesti Interneti Sihtasutus) ***
*** CERT-EE ***
*** Infonet ***
*** Compic ***
*** SMIT ***
*** xTom Europe Backbone ***
*** Elisa Eesti ***
London Internet Exchange (LINX LON1)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:4::cff:1
*** LINX LON1 Route Servers ***
*** LINX LON1 Collector ***
*** Metropolitan Area Network Darmstadt ***
*** Bezeq International ***
*** Sky Broadband ***
*** Zayo Group ***
*** Apple Inc ***
*** CIRA Cloud1 ***
*** Red Matter Limited ***
*** Facebook Inc ***
*** i3D.net ***
*** iboss ***
*** xTom Europe Backbone ***
*** Wnet Telecom USA ***
*** Seaborn Networks ***
*** Packet Clearing House ***
*** Microsoft Corp. ***
*** Asympto Networks Kft. ***
*** Vaioni ***
*** Unitas Global ***
London Internet Exchange (LINX LON2)
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:4:1::cff:1
*** LINX LON2 Route Servers ***
*** LINX LON2 Collector ***
*** Facebook Inc ***
*** Vaioni ***
*** Unitas Global ***
IPv4 address:
*** Piter-IX SPB Route Servers ***
*** Wnet Telecom USA ***
Private peers
*** Elion Enterprises Ltd. ***
*** LVRTC ***
*** Bite GSM & Internet Services ***
*** Google Inc. ***
*** DGC ***
*** Baltcom IP (Baltcom Fiber) ***
*** Lattelecom ***
*** Filanco (Citytelecom) ***
*** ASO ***
*** INFONET.EE ***
*** WideXS ***
*** IF Insurance ***
*** SIA "OPTRON" ***
*** Wavecom ***
*** Silberauto ***
*** Kernel ***
*** Viatel ***
*** Compic Ltd. ***
*** Joint Stock Company Top Connect ***
*** AS SEB Eesti Yhispank ***
*** Telegrupp AS ***
*** Teqli Telecom ***
*** Zone Media OU ***
*** AS Levira ***
*** Estonian Defence Forces ***
*** ERGO Kindlustuse AS ***
*** Konekeskuste OY ***
*** Helmes AS ***
*** Salva Kindlustuse AS ***
*** Ekspress Digital ***
*** Elkdata OY ***
*** NSS hosting ***
*** Sonictest Ltd. **
*** Laboratory Kaspersky ***
*** Lovo ***
*** IT arte Sp. z o.o ***
*** Cloud.ee ***
*** Atea ***
*** Liberty Insurance ***
*** KassirRU ***
*** MobiMoney ***
*** BFA Bank ***
*** SIAB Bank ***
*** Ulmart ***
*** Eurolot ***
*** Loginet ***
*** Alegna Trading ***
*** VeriSign ***
*** Termnet ***
*** CSpace ***
*** White-Wizard ***
*** virtuaal.com ***
*** RUCARD ***
*** ETM Electromateriali ***
*** Itelma ***
*** CITIC CPC Tutor ***
*** Primend ***
*** PENKI ***
*** CITIC CPC ***
*** Liberty Global, London ***
*** Datagroup, Kiev ***
*** MTS, Moscow ***
*** TTK, Moscow ***
*** Netia ***
| 3327:170 Set localpref to 170 (highest possible)
| 3327:160 Set localpref to 160 (default IPT customer)
| 3327:150 Set localpref to 150 (preferred private peering)
| 3327:140 Set localpref to 140 (public peering)
| 3327:130 Set localpref to 130 (backup private peering)
| 3327:120 Set localpref to 120 (primary uplink)
| 3327:110 Set localpref to 110 (backup uplink)
| 3327:90 Set localpref to 90 (lowest possible)
| 3327:104 localpref -= 5
| 3327:106 localpref += 5
| Action:
| y=0 Announce as is
| y=1 Prepend AS-path with "3327"
| y=2 Prepend AS-path with "3327 3327"
| y=3 Prepend AS-path with "3327 3327 3327"
| y=5 Prepend AS-path with "3327 3327 3327 3327 3327"
| y=7 Reset Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) to 0
| y=9 Do no export
| 3327:5110y $y to NTT / NTT-COMMUNICATIONS / NTT (AS 2914)
| 3327:5130y $y to MTS (AS8359)
| 3327:5140y $y to Netia (AS12741)
| 3327:5150y $y to TTK (AS20485)
| 3327:5170y $y to DataGroup (AS3326)
| 3327:5180y $y to Liberty Global (AS6830)
| 3327:5199y $y to all upstreams
| 3327:5211y $y to Tallinn Internet Exchange (TIX-LAN)
| 3327:5212y $y to Tallinn Internet Exchange (TLLIX)
| 3327:5213y $y to Tallinn Internet Exchange (RTIX)
| 3327:5221y $y to Moscow Internet Exchange (MSK-IX)
| 3327:5222y $y to Saint-Petersburg Internet Exchange (SPB-IX)
| 3327:5223y $y to Saint-Petersburg Piter-IX Exchange (PITER-IX)
| 3327:5231y $y to Latvian Internet eXchange (LIX)
| 3327:5232y $y to Latvian Internet eXchange (SMILE)
| 3327:5241y $y to Frankfurt Internet Exchange (DE-CIX)
| 3327:5251y $y to Amsterdam Intenet Exchange (AMS-IX)
| 3327:5261y $y to Polish Internet eXchange (PL-IX)
| 3327:5271y $y to Netnod Internet Exchange
| 3327:5281y $y to Lithuania Internet Exchange (LIPTAM)
| 3327:5299y $y to all peers
| 3327:666 Blackhole/nullroute (/32 or /128 only)
| Also sent to upstreams
| NOTE: All communities checked in the same order they are
| listed here. Any number of them can be used together
| NOTE: Default actions for IPT customers are:
| set localpref 160
| announce as is to all primary uplinks and customers
| announce as is or not at all to different peers
| prefixes longer than /24 or /48 are not permitted
| 3327:30CCC CCC is ISO 3166 Country Code
| 3327:3000 Upstream
| 3327:3001 Public (IX) peer
| 3327:3002 Public (IX) routeserver
| 3327:3003 Private peer
| 3327:3004 IPT (downstream) customer
| 3327:3327 AS3327 originated prefix
| PeeringDB record: http://as3327.peeringdb.com/
| For more information please use the email address
| nmc-eu@citictel-cpc.com
The above information was collected from whois.ripe.net, using
object "AS3327" on Feburary 15, 2025