This document has been extracted from Internet2 NOC

Internet2 BGP Communities

   Internet2 External Traffic Influencing Communities

   International, Non-International, or FEDNET peers may send the below
   community and we will set their localpref to 40 or 160 respectively:
     * Default - 100
     * 11537:40 - Low
     * 11537:160 - High

   Connectors may send the below community and we will set their localpref
   to 140 or 260 respectively:
     * Default - 200
     * 11537:140 - Low
     * 11537:260 - High

   Internet2 Peers may send the following communities:
     * 11537:2002 - Block prefix to commercial R&E peers.

   Internet2 International (ITN) peers may send the below communities for
   path prepending:
     * 65001:65000 - prepend x1
     * 65002:65000 - prepend x2
     * 65003:65000 - prepend x3

   The following community combination of : allows you to block
   or prepend prefixes sent to individual international (ITN) peers.  This
   is in the process of being deployed, once a peer has had the necessary
   configuration added, their ASN will be added here.

     * Codes:

     * 65000     - prefixes will not be sent to ITN peer’s ASN
     * 65001     - prefixes will be prepended 1 time to ITN peer’s ASN
     * 65002     - prefixes will be prepended 2 times to ITN peer’s ASN
     * 65003     - prefixes will be prepended 3 time2 to ITN peer’s ASN
     * 65012     - prefixes will only be sent to ITN peer's ASN

     * ITN Peer ASN:
          + 2603     - NORDUnet
          + 20965     - GEANT

   Internet2 Internal Traffic Influencing Communities

   Internet2-connected Gigapops and connectors with heterogeneous
   participants (i.e. not all are universities) may need to use these
   communities to help them pass prefixes appropriately to their
   participants.  For example, connectors can pass all prefixes on to
   their university participants, but should not pass commercial or US
   Fednet prefixes to their commercial or Fednet participants.
     * 11537:888 - Block to external (Internet2 uses this community to
       mark prefixes that will not be reannounced to external peers).
     * 11537:902 - non-I2 R&E sites sponsored for connection by members.
     * 11537:910 - sponsored educational groups (Primary state networks).
     * 11537:911 - Black Hole. Traffic to these prefixes will be
     * 11537:950 - Internet2 Participants.
     * 11537:2000 - Commercial research - Lab participant.
     * 11537:2001 - Special Commercial prefix used for V6 or multicast.
     * 11537:2500 - Block advertisement to international.
     * 11537:2501 - International.
     * 11537:3000 - FEDNET (US Federal Peer Network).
     * 11537:3500 - Connector Only (Internet2 uses this to mark prefixes
       sent to connectors but not peers).
     * 11537:4000 - RHCPP (Rural Health Network Groups).
     * 11537:6001 - LHCOne Connectors.
     * 11537:6002 - LHCOne Peers

   NET+ BGP Communities

   Internet2 has implemented a set of BGP communities that, along with
   your own local BGP import policy, will allow you to control your
   traffic path to/from the Internet2 NET+ peer networks. All of these
   communities are specific to individual peer networks and do not affect
   routing to/from the other peer networks.
     * 11537:5000 - Internet2 NET+ Services.
     * 11537:5001 - Telepresence.
     * 11537:5002 - Cloud.
     * 11537:5003 - SIP
     * 11537:5004 - Amazon
     * 11537:5005 - Blue Jeans Network
     * 11537:5006 - Rackspace
     * 11537:5007 - Code42
     * 11537:5008 - Black Board
     * 11537:5009 - IDsolutions/Vidyo
     * 11537:5010 - Fuze
     * 11537:5011 - Desire2Learn
     * 11537:5012 - R Systems
     * 11537:5013 - ServiceNow
     * 11537:5014 - Microsoft
     * 11537:5500 - Block to NET+ (Internet2 uses this to mark prefixes
       that will not be sent to NET+ peers).

   The following community combination of : allows you to block
   or prepend prefixes sent to individual NET+ peers.
     * Codes:
          + 65000     - prefixes will not be sent to NET+ peer’s ASN
          + 65001     - prefixes will be prepended 1 time to NET+ peer’s
          + 65002     - prefixes will be prepended 2 times to NET+ peer’s
          + 65003     - prefixes will be prepended 3 time2 to NET+ peer’s

     * NET+ peer ASN’s
          + 33011     -
          + 16509     - Amazon
          + 21834     - Desire2Learn
          + 18541     - Blue Jeans Network
          + 19994     - Rackspace
          + 62715     - Code42
          + 22556     - Blackboard
          + 64999     - IDsolutions/Vidyo
          + 14294     - Fuze
          + 19793     - R Systems
          + 16839     - ServiceNow
          + 8075      - Microsoft

   NET+ Routes coming into the Internet2 IP Network are tagged with one of
   the following city specific communities:
     * 11537:249 Mclean, VA (Washington, DC)
     * 11537:242 New York
     * 11537:243 Atlanta
     * 11537:241 Chicago - Level(3)
     * 11537:245 Kansas City
     * 11537:244 Houston
     * 11537:246 Salt Lake City
     * 11537:247 Seattle
     * 11537:250 Cleveland
     * 11537:248 Los Angeles
     * 11537:253 Ashburn
     * 11537:254 Chicago - Equinix

   Internet2 Prefix Advertisement Matrix

     Non-International Peers  International Peers  Connectors   Commercial
   Participants  Internet2 NET+
   Federal Peer Network  NO NO YES YES YES
   Sponsored Participant  YES YES YES YES YES
   Sponsored Education Group Participant  YES YES YES YES YES
   Network Participant  YES YES YES YES YES
   Commercial Participant  YES YES YES NO NO
   Connector Only  NO NO YES NO YES
   Internet2 Net+  NO NO YES NO NO

   YES indicates prefixes from the network class in that row are sent to
   the network class in that column.

Internet2 CPS BGP Communities

   Internet2 has implemented a set of BGP communities that, along with
   your own local BGP import policy, will allow you to control your
   traffic path to/from the Internet2 CPS peer networks. All of these
   communities are specific to individual peer networks and do not affect
   routing to/from the other peer networks.
     * 65000:* - Apply this community to your prefix if you do not want
       CPS peer network X to send traffic to you over Internet2 CPS. Where
       "*" denotes the ASN of the peer network X. If your BGP import
       policy is also set to reject Internet2's advertisements of routes
       from ASN "*", you will not send traffic to network X over Internet2
       CPS either.
     * 65001:* - "*" is the ASN of network X. Will pad AS-PATH towards
       network X 1 time.
     * 65002:* - "*" is the ASN of network X. Will pad AS-PATH towards
       network X 2 time.
     * 65003:* - "*" is the ASN of network X. Will pad AS-PATH towards
       network X 3 time.

BGP Community Controls for TR-CPS

   BGP Community Controls for TR/CPS Participants:
   (reviewed by NTAC Peering and Routing WG, June 15th, 2010)
   During the April 20th NTAC Peering and Routing WG call, an inquiry was
   made regarding support within the consolidated TR/CPS network for BGP
   communities to allow traffic control by participants. The legacy
   Internet2 CPS network (AS11537) supports a set of BGP communities which
   allow connectors to control their traffic to/from CPS peer networks;
   the legacy TransitRail network (AS11164) supports a similar set of BGP
   communities to provide the same functionality. To ease the transition
   of connections to the consolidated TR/CPS network the communities of
   both the legacy TransitRail and CPS networks are supported on links to
   AS11164 as described below.

   The group of communities for selective prepending and no-export are:
     * 65000: Do not advertise at all to the peer ASN
     * 65001: Prepend once toward peer ASN
     * 65002: Prepend twice toward peer ASN
     * 65003: Prepend thrice toward peer ASN
     * 65009: Allow advertisement toward peer ASN if otherwise
       excluded by more general community control
     * 65500x: Variants of the above communities (to be deprecated *)

   The following communities can be used to blackhole traffic to more
   specific netblocks (up to /32):
     * 11164:53666 Rewrite next hop to discard traffic
     * 11537:911 (to be deprecated *)

   The following communities can be used to alter relative preference
   within the consolidated TR/CPS network (AS11164):
     * 11164:51240 Set preference of learned route Above standard local
       preference value for Participant.
     * 11537:260 (to be deprecated *)
     * 11164:51200 Set preference of learned route Below standard local
       preference value for Participant.
     * 11537:140 (to be deprecated *)

   These additional communities are available to alter relative
   preference. Though available, these communities are rarely used and can
   take substantial care to appreciate the outcome from using them:
     * 11164:51080 Set preference of learned route Below standard local
       preference value for Settlement Free Peers.
     * 11164:51050 Set preference of learned route Below standard local
       preference value for any Transit Providers (no Transit Providers
       exist to-date).

   Additionally, these communities can be used to alter the announcement
   profile of your routes:
     * 11164:52400 Do not export to North American peers (all TR/CPS peers
     * 11164:52401 Prepend once to North American peers
     * 11164:52402 Prepend twice to North American peers
     * 11164:52403 Prepend thrice to North American peers
     * 11164:52300 Do not export to Extended Peers

   Related communities for future use, but which are in-active in the
   network, at present:
     * 11164:52200 Do not export to transit
     * 11164:52201 Prepend once to transit
     * 11164:52202 Prepend twice to transit
     * 11164:52203 Prepend thrice to transit
     * 11164:52500 Do not export via peer-links in Asia-Pac
     * 11164:52501 Prepend once via peer-links in Asia-Pac
     * 11164:52502 Prepend twice via peer-links in Asia-Pac
     * 11164:52503 Prepend thrice via peer-links in Asia-Pac
     * 11164:52600 Do not export via peer-links in Europe
     * 11164:52601 Prepend once via peer-links in Europe
     * 11164:52602 Prepend twice via peer-links in Europe
     * 11164:52603 Prepend thrice via peer-links in Europe

   * The indicated BGP communities will be supported through the period of
   integration of the legacy TR and CPS networks: their use will be
   deprecated within the consolidated TR/CPS network after the integration
   is complete. These changes will not affect the set of communities
   available to connectors within the Internet2 (R&E)
   Please let us know if you have questions,

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