--------------- UPSTREAMS/CUSTOMERS --------------
-------------- COMMUNITIES IN USE ----------------
== Route Tags ==
9026:0000 Routes announced by 9026
9026:0001 ULI routes announced by 9026
9026:0002 Customer routes announced by 9026
9026:1000 Route Learned from transit peers
9026:1001 Route Learned from AS5398
9026:1002 Route Learned from AS3302 (IRIDEOS)
9026:1003 Route Learned from AS49605 (DTS)
9026:2000 Route Learned from IT-MIX peers
9026:2XXX Route Learned from IT-MIX member XXX
9026:3000 Customer routes
9026:3001 Customer routes from AS206588
== Internal Announcement Control ==
9026:5000 Announce to Peerings
9026:5001 Announce to Transits
== Announcement Control for customers ==
9026:10001 Set Local-Preference to 50
9026:10002 Set Local-Preference to 150
9026:10003 Set Local-Preference to 200
9026:10004 Set Local-Preference to 250
9026:10010 Do not announce to AS5398
9026:10011 1 prepend announcing to AS5398
9026:10012 2 prepends announcing to AS5398
9026:10013 3 prepends announcing to AS5398
9026:10014 4 prepends announcing to AS5398
9026:10019 Set no-export announcing to AS5398
9026:10020 Do not announce to AS3302
9026:10021 1 prepend announcing to AS3302
9026:10022 2 prepends announcing to AS3302
9026:10023 3 prepends announcing to AS3302
9026:10024 4 prepends announcing to AS3302
9026:10029 Set no-export announcing to AS3302
9026:10030 Do not announce to AS49605
9026:10031 1 prepend announcing to AS49605
9026:10032 2 prepends announcing to AS49605
9026:10033 3 prepends announcing to AS49605
9026:10034 4 prepends announcing to AS49605
9026:10039 Set no-export announcing to AS49605
9026:10200 Do not announce to MIX
9026:10201 1 prepend announcing to MIX
9026:10202 2 prepends announcing to MIX
9026:10203 3 prepends announcing to MIX
9026:10204 4 prepends announcing to MIX
9026:10209 Set no-export announcing to MIX
The above information was collected from whois.ripe.net, using
object "AS9026" on Feburary 1, 2025