Authoritative registration information for AS
Numbers within this block remains in the ARIN
whois database: or
web site:
You may find aut-num objects for AS Numbers
within this block in the RIPE Database where a
routing policy is published in the RIPE Database
data has been transferred from RIPE Whois Database 20050221

aut-num objects within this block represent routing
policy published in the RIPE Database

For registration information,
you can find the whois server to query, or the
IANA registry to query on this web page:

You can access databases of other RIR's at:

AFRINIC (Africa)

APNIC (Asia Pacific)

ARIN (Northern America)

LACNIC (Latin America and the Carribean)

* Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal
* data has been removed from this object.
* To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at:


Operational issues to
Abuse reports to
Peering contact is


Level 3 does not allow any part of to be

If you are a customer who is currently using address
space from and if you need to multihome your
network to another provider, please contact Level 3 for
new address space which can be multihomed.

If you are a provider who has been asked to route a
more-specific network block that is part of,
please ask your customer to contact Level 3 to obtain
a new network block.

Level 3 will not accept advertisements for any networks
that are part of from any non-customer peer.

Note that the import/export designations above are a
simplification of our actual policies which cannot
be properly described given the limitations of RPSL
They would also be rather tedious to read if we
denoted all of the common policy bits applied to every
peer, so we have only noted the peer-specific bits.

We have also only documented our customer peers in this
object at this time.

The following import actions are common to every
Level 3 customer peering session:

- RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets are
not permitted.

- Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not permitted.

- Prefixes shorter than /8 are not permitted.

- Advertisements containing the AS of a network with
which we have a non-customer peering relationship
are not permitted (ie customers are not allowed
to advertise transit for Sprint, AT&T, etc).

- Advertisements tagged with our own "internal use only"
communities (ie the city/country/region/etc communities
outlined below) will have all of their communities
stripped from them at ingress, and any communities
meant to affect localpref, prepending, etc are thus

- All customer peering sessions are prefix-filtered
inbound using a customer specified import policy
pulled from any known public registry.

- Prefixes not matching the per-peer import policy
as documented above are not permitted.

- Localpref will be set to 100 by default, subject
to modification based on received communities as
outlined below.

- A hard limit is placed on the number of routes a peer
is allowed to announce to us. This number is based
on their registered routes plus a bit of extra

The following import actions are common to every
Level 3 non-customer peering session:

- RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets are
not permitted.

- Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not permitted.

- Prefixes shorter than /8 or longer than /24 are
not permitted.

- Any subnet of any Level 3 CIDR block (as documented
in rs-Level3) is not accepted unless routing for the
subnet in question has been explicitly requested by
the multihomed customer in question. If you are a
customer wishing to multihome a Level 3 CIDR block
please contact the Technical Support Center at
877-4LEVEL3 or through the customer online portal.

- Advertisements tagged with our own "internal use"
or "customer use" communities (as outlined below)
will have all of their communities stripped from them
at ingress.

- MEDs are overwritten unless special arrangements
have been made.

- Peers who register their routes with meaningful
policies may have a prefix filter applied based on
this policy.

- Localpref for non-customer peers is generally set
to 86.

- A hard limit is placed on the number of routes a peer
is allowed to announce to us. This number is based
on their registered routes or on a historical view of
the number of routes they have been advertising plus
a bit of extra overhead.

The following export actions are common to every
Level 3 peering session:

- RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets are
not announced.

- Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not announced.

- Prefixes shorter than /8 or longer than /24 are
not announced.

- Any subnet of any Level 3 CIDR block (as documented
in rs-Level3) is not announced unless routing for the
subnet in question has been explicitly requested by
the multihomed customer in question.

- Suppression and prepend actions as outlined in the
community list below are taken for announcements to
non-customer peers.


Communities applied at ingress


prefix type communities
3356:123 - Customer route
3356:666 - Peer route
error type communities
3356:911 - "internal use" communities received from peer
city communities (some cities not listed as they home off
one of the below)
3356:2001 - CHI1 - Chicago
3356:2002 - SDG1 - San Diego
3356:2003 - LAX1 - Los Angeles
3356:2004 - DEN1 - Denver
3356:2005 - PHI1 - Philadelphia
3356:2006 - WDC1 - Washington DC
3356:2007 - DET1 - Detroit
3356:2008 - DAL1 - Dallas
3356:2009 - SFO1 - San Francisco
3356:2010 - NYC1 - New York City
3356:2011 - SJO1 - San Jose
3356:2012 - SEA1 - Seattle
3356:2013 - ATL1 - Atlanta
3356:2014 - HOU1 - Houston
3356:2015 - BOS1 - Boston
3356:2016 - MIN1 - Minneapolis
3356:2017 - HON1 - Honolulu
3356:2018 - WEE1 - Weehawken
3356:2019 - BAL1 - Baltimore
3356:2020 - CIN1 - Cincinnati
3356:2021 - STM1 - Stamford
3356:2022 - MIA1 - Miami
3356:2023 - TMP1 - Tampa
3356:2024 - ORL1 - Orlando
3356:2025 - STL1 - St Louis
3356:2026 - PHX1 - Phoenix
3356:2027 - RCH1 - Richmond
3356:2029 - SLC1 - Salt Lake City
3356:2030 - SAC1 - Sacramento
3356:2031 - RAL1 - Raleigh
3356:2032 - SAT1 - San Antonio
3356:2033 - LVG1 - Las Vegas
3356:2034 - CLT1 - Charlotte
3356:2035 - CLE1 - Cleveland
3356:2036 - OAK1 - Oakland
3356:2038 - TUS1 - Tustin
3356:2039 - NWR1 - Newark
3356:2040 - PIT1 - Pittsburgh
3356:2041 - KAC1 - Kansas City
3356:2042 - CHI2 - Chicago 2
3356:2043 - NYC2 - New York City 2
3356:2044 - LOU1 - Louisville
3356:2045 - NVL1 - Nashville
3356:2046 - BUF1 - Buffalo
3356:2047 - TOR2 - Toronto 2
3356:2048 - MON2 - Montreal 2
3356:2049 - SYR2 - Syracuse 2
3356:2050 - WDC12 - Washington DC 12
3356:2051 - SJO5 - San Jose 5
3356:2052 - TOR1 - Toronto 1
3356:2053 - POR1 - Portland
3356:2054 - MEM1 - Memphis
3356:2055 - TUL2 - Tulsa 2
3356:2056 - NYC6 - New York City 6
3356:2057 - WDC111 Washington DC 111
3356:2058 - CHO1 - Charlottesville 1
3356:2064 - LON1 - London
3356:2065 - FRF1 - Frankfurt
3356:2066 - PAR1 - Paris
3356:2067 - AMS1 - Amsterdam
3356:2068 - BRU1 - Brussels
3356:2069 - DUS1 - Dusseldorf
3356:2070 - HAM1 - Hamburg
3356:2071 - BER1 - Berlin
3356:2072 - MUN1 - Munich
3356:2073 - LON2 - London 2
3356:2074 - MLN1 - Milan
3356:2075 - ZUR1 - Zurich
3356:2076 - STK1 - Stockholm
3356:2077 - MAD2 - Madrid 2
3356:2078 - GEN1 - Geneva
3356:2079 - MAN1 - Manchester
3356:2080 - DUB1 - Dublin
3356:2081 - COP1 - Copenhagen
3356:2082 - VIE1 - Vienna
3356:2083 - PRG1 - Prague
3356:2084 - WAW1 - Warsaw
3356:2085 - VAL3 - Valencia 3
3356:2086 - BCL1 - Barcelona
3356:2087 - SOF1 - Sofia
3356:2088 - BCH1 - Bucharest
3356:2089 - BDP1 - Budapest
3356:2090 - MRS1 - Marseille
3356:2091 - COP2 - Copenhagen 2
3356:2092 - OSL1 - Oslo
3356:2093 - BTS1 - Bratislava
3356:2094 - HEL1 - Helsinki
3356:2095 - DUB3 - Dublin 3
3356:2096 - WAW3 - Warsaw 3
3356:2097 - LUX1 - Luxembourg 1
3356:2098 - TLS1 - Toulouse 1
3356:2099 - LYS1 - Lyon 1
3356:2100 - JED1 - Jeddah 1
3356:2101 - ZAG1 - Zagreb 1
3356:2102 - LJU1 - Ljubljana 1
3356:2103 - MAD1 - Madrid 1
3356:2104 - DJB1 - Djibouti 1
3356:2105 - LON16 - London 16
3356:2106 - LON15 - London 15
3356:2107 - CPT2 - CapeTown2
3356:2108 - JNB2 - Johannesburg2
3356:2109 - XKE3 - Kenya3
3356:2110 - XAE3 - UnitedArabEmirates3
3356:2111 - STK2 - Stockholm2
3356:2112 - MRS2 - Marseille2
3356:2113 - XEE2 - Estonia2
3356:2114 - PAR10 - Paris10
3356:2115 - SOF2 - Sofia2
3356:2116 - XRU2 - Russia2
3356:2117 - XIT2 - Italy2
3356:2118 - XRS2 - RepublicOfSerbia2
3356:2119 - OSL2 - Oslo2
3356:2120 - MAN2 - Manchester2
3356:2121 - MLN2 - Milan2
3356:2122 - XAE2 - UnitedArabEmirates2
3356:2123 - XIS2 - Iceland2
3356:2124 - PAR7 - Paris7
3356:2125 - LON4 - London4
3356:2126 - XIS4 - Iceland4
3356:2127 - IST2 - Istanbul2
3356:2128 - LDS1 - Leeds1
3356:2129 - BHE1 - Birmingham1
3356:2130 - TLV1 - TelAviv1
3356:2131 - ZUR3 - Zurich3
3356:2132 - LON14 - London14
3356:2133 - ANK1 - Ankara1
3356:2171 - HKG3 - Hong Kong3
3356:2172 - SNG3 - Singapore3
3356:2173 - SYD1 - Sydney1
3356:2174 - TOK4 - Tokyo4
3356:2175 - OSK1 - Osaka1
3356:2176 - SEO3 - Seoul3
3356:2190 - SAP1 - Sao Paulo1,2,8,32,and 33
country communities
3356:500 - UK
3356:501 - Germany
3356:502 - France
3356:503 - Netherlands
3356:504 - Belgium
3356:505 - Italy
3356:506 - Switzerland
3356:507 - Sweden
3356:508 - Spain
3356:509 - Ireland
3356:510 - Denmark
3356:511 - Austria
3356:512 - Czech Republic
3356:513 - Poland
3356:514 - Bulgaria
3356:515 - Romania
3356:516 - Hungary
3356:517 - Norway
3356:518 - Slovakia
3356:519 - Finland
3356:520 - Luxembourg
3356:521 - Croatia
3356:522 - Slovenia
3356:523 - Estonia
3356:524 - Serbia
3356:525 - Iceland
3356:550 - Saudi Arabia
3356:551 - Djibouti
3356:552 - South Africa
3356:553 - United Arab Emirates
3356:554 - Russia
3356:555 - Kenya
3356:556 - Turkey
3356:557 - Israel
3356:575 - USA
3356:576 - Canada
3356:577 - Mexico
3356:701 - China
3356:702 - Australia
3356:703 - Singapore
3356:704 - Japan
3356:705 - Korea (the Republic of)
3356:706 - Taiwan
3356:707 - Malaysia
3356:708 - New Zealand
3356:709 - Philippines (the)
3356:710 - Indonesia
3356:711 - India
3356:712 - Thailand
3356:800 - Brazil
3356:801 - Argentina
3356:802 - Chile
3356:803 - Panama
3356:804 - Virgin Islands (U.S.)
3356:805 - Colombia
3356:806 - Peru
3356:807 - Ecuador
3356:808 - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

regional communities
3356:2 - Europe
3356:3 - North America
3356:4 - APAC
3356:5 - LATAM

Communities accepted from customers


customer traffic engineering (TE) notes
Communities allow suppress or prepend to peer AS, where
- peer AS has a peering connection to Level 3
- peer AS is not a customer of Level 3
customer traffic engineering communities - Suppression
64960:XXX - announce to AS XXX if 65000:0
65000:0 - announce to customers but not to peers
65000:XXX - do not announce at peerings to AS XXX
customer traffic engineering communities - Prepending
65001:0 - prepend once to all peers
65001:XXX - prepend once at peerings to AS XXX
65002:0 - prepend twice to all peers
65002:XXX - prepend twice at peerings to AS XXX
65003:0 - prepend 3x to all peers
65003:XXX - prepend 3x at peerings to AS XXX
65004:0 - prepend 4x to all peers
65004:XXX - prepend 4x at peerings to AS XXX
customer traffic engineering communities - Regional
Will only work for regional peers
This is depreciated but leaving section for future consideration
customer traffic engineering communities - LocalPref
3356:70 - set local preference to 70
3356:80 - set local preference to 80
3356:89 - Set the customer prefix to a local pref of 89
3356:90 - set local preference to 90
3356:100 - Set the customer prefix to a local pref of 100
3356:108 - Set a customer prefix that originates out of region to 108 from the perspective of the given region
3356:920 - Honor customer local pref of 100 in apac/latam when originating in NA/EU
customer traffic engineering communities - Blackhole
3356:9999 - blackhole (discard) traffic

Traffic destined for any prefixes tagged with this
community will be discarded at ingress to the Level 3
network. The prefix must be one permitted by the
customer's existing ingress BGP filter.
For some router vendors the peering
must be changed to an eBGP multihop session on the Level
3 side of the connection.

Please contact with any questions
regarding this functionality.
The size of the import/export data in this object has
been causing problems for the RIPE routing registry
system and has been affecting other users by
significantly delaying their updates while updates to
this object have been processed. This data has now
been removed. Please perform a whois query against if you wish to see this information.


Operational issues to
Abuse reports to
Peering contact is


Level 3 does not allow any part of to be

If you are a customer who is currently using address
space from and if you need to multihome your
network to another provider, please contact Level 3 for
new address space which can be multihomed.

If you are a provider who has been asked to route a
more-specific network block that is part of,
please ask your customer to contact Level 3 to obtain
a new network block.

Level 3 will not accept advertisements for any networks
that are part of from any non-customer peer.

Note that the import/export designations above are a
simplification of our actual policies which cannot
be properly described given the limitations of RPSL
They would also be rather tedious to read if we
denoted all of the common policy bits applied to every
peer, so we have only noted the peer-specific bits.

We have also only documented our customer peers in this
object at this time.

The following import actions are common to every
Level 3 customer peering session:

- RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets are
not permitted.

- Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not permitted.

- Prefixes shorter than /8 are not permitted.

- Advertisements containing the AS of a network with
which we have a non-customer peering relationship
are not permitted (ie customers are not allowed
to advertise transit for Sprint, AT&T, etc).

- Advertisements tagged with our own "internal use only"
communities (ie the city/country/region/etc communities
outlined below) will have all of their communities
stripped from them at ingress, and any communities
meant to affect localpref, prepending, etc are thus

- All customer peering sessions are prefix-filtered
inbound using a customer specified import policy
pulled from any known public registry.

- Prefixes not matching the per-peer import policy
as documented above are not permitted.

- Localpref will be set to 100 by default, subject
to modification based on received communities as
outlined below.

- A hard limit is placed on the number of routes a peer
is allowed to announce to us. This number is based
on their registered routes plus a bit of extra

The following import actions are common to every
Level 3 non-customer peering session:

- RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets are
not permitted.

- Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not permitted.

- Prefixes shorter than /8 or longer than /24 are
not permitted.

- Any subnet of any Level 3 CIDR block (as documented
in rs-Level3) is not accepted unless routing for the
subnet in question has been explicitly requested by
the multihomed customer in question. If you are a
customer wishing to multihome a Level 3 CIDR block
please contact the Technical Support Center at
877-4LEVEL3 or through the customer online portal.

- Advertisements tagged with our own "internal use"
or "customer use" communities (as outlined below)
will have all of their communities stripped from them
at ingress.

- MEDs are overwritten unless special arrangements
have been made.

- Peers who register their routes with meaningful
policies may have a prefix filter applied based on
this policy.

- Localpref for non-customer peers is generally set
to 86.

- A hard limit is placed on the number of routes a peer
is allowed to announce to us. This number is based
on their registered routes or on a historical view of
the number of routes they have been advertising plus
a bit of extra overhead.

The following export actions are common to every
Level 3 peering session:

- RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets are
not announced.

- Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not announced.

- Prefixes shorter than /8 or longer than /24 are
not announced.

- Any subnet of any Level 3 CIDR block (as documented
in rs-Level3) is not announced unless routing for the
subnet in question has been explicitly requested by
the multihomed customer in question.

- Suppression and prepend actions as outlined in the
community list below are taken for announcements to
non-customer peers.


Communities applied at ingress


prefix type communities
3356:123 - Customer route
3356:666 - Peer route
error type communities
3356:911 - "internal use" communities received from peer
city communities (some cities not listed as they home off
one of the below)
3356:2001 - CHI1 - Chicago
3356:2002 - SDG1 - San Diego
3356:2003 - LAX1 - Los Angeles
3356:2004 - DEN1 - Denver
3356:2005 - PHI1 - Philadelphia
3356:2006 - WDC1 - Washington DC
3356:2007 - DET1 - Detroit
3356:2008 - DAL1 - Dallas
3356:2009 - SFO1 - San Francisco
3356:2010 - NYC1 - New York City
3356:2011 - SJO1 - San Jose
3356:2012 - SEA1 - Seattle
3356:2013 - ATL1 - Atlanta
3356:2014 - HOU1 - Houston
3356:2015 - BOS1 - Boston
3356:2016 - MIN1 - Minneapolis
3356:2017 - HON1 - Honolulu
3356:2018 - WEE1 - Weehawken
3356:2019 - BAL1 - Baltimore
3356:2020 - CIN1 - Cincinnati
3356:2021 - STM1 - Stamford
3356:2022 - MIA1 - Miami
3356:2023 - TMP1 - Tampa
3356:2024 - ORL1 - Orlando
3356:2025 - STL1 - St Louis
3356:2026 - PHX1 - Phoenix
3356:2027 - RCH1 - Richmond
3356:2029 - SLC1 - Salt Lake City
3356:2030 - SAC1 - Sacramento
3356:2031 - RAL1 - Raleigh
3356:2032 - SAT1 - San Antonio
3356:2033 - LVG1 - Las Vegas
3356:2034 - CLT1 - Charlotte
3356:2035 - CLE1 - Cleveland
3356:2036 - OAK1 - Oakland
3356:2038 - TUS1 - Tustin
3356:2039 - NWR1 - Newark
3356:2040 - PIT1 - Pittsburgh
3356:2041 - KAC1 - Kansas City
3356:2042 - CHI2 - Chicago 2
3356:2043 - NYC2 - New York City 2
3356:2044 - LOU1 - Louisville
3356:2045 - NVL1 - Nashville
3356:2046 - BUF1 - Buffalo
3356:2047 - TOR2 - Toronto 2
3356:2048 - MON2 - Montreal 2
3356:2049 - SYR2 - Syracuse 2
3356:2050 - WDC12 - Washington DC 12
3356:2051 - SJO5 - San Jose 5
3356:2052 - TOR1 - Toronto 1
3356:2053 - POR1 - Portland
3356:2054 - MEM1 - Memphis
3356:2055 - TUL2 - Tulsa
3356:2056 - NYC6 - New York City
3356:2057 - WDC111 - Washington DC (Washington111
3356:2058 - CHO1 - Charlottesville Virginia
3356:2064 - LON1 - London
3356:2065 - FRF1 - Frankfurt
3356:2066 - PAR1 - Paris
3356:2067 - AMS1 - Amsterdam
3356:2068 - BRU1 - Brussels
3356:2069 - DUS1 - Dusseldorf
3356:2070 - HAM1 - Hamburg
3356:2071 - BER1 - Berlin
3356:2072 - MUN1 - Munich
3356:2073 - LON2 - London 2
3356:2074 - MLN1 - Milan
3356:2075 - ZUR1 - Zurich
3356:2076 - STK1 - Stockholm
3356:2077 - MAD2 - Madrid 2
3356:2078 - GEN1 - Geneva
3356:2079 - MAN1 - Manchester
3356:2080 - DUB1 - Dublin
3356:2081 - COP1 - Copenhagen
3356:2082 - VIE1 - Vienna
3356:2083 - PRG1 - Prague
3356:2084 - WAW1 - Warsaw
3356:2085 - VAL3 - Valencia 3
3356:2086 - BCL1 - Barcelona
3356:2087 - SOF1 - Sofia
3356:2088 - BCH1 - Bucharest
3356:2089 - BDP1 - Budapest
3356:2090 - MRS1 - Marseille
3356:2091 - COP2 - Copenhagen 2
3356:2092 - OSL1 - Oslo
3356:2093 - BTS1 - Bratislava
3356:2094 - HEL1 - Helsinki
3356:2095 - DUB3 - Dublin 3
3356:2096 - WAW3 - Warsaw 3
3356:2097 - LUX1 - Luxembourg 1
3356:2098 - TLS1 - Toulouse 1
3356:2099 - LYS1 - Lyon 1
3356:2100 - JED1 - Jeddah 1
3356:2101 - ZAG1 - Zagreb 1
3356:2102 - LJU1 - Ljubljana 1
3356:2103 - MAD1 - Madrid 1
3356:2104 - DJB1 - Djibouti 1
3356:2105 - LON16 - London 16
3356:2106 - LON15 - London 15
3356:2107 - CPT2 - CapeTown2
3356:2108 - JNB2 - Johannesburg2
3356:2109 - XKE3 - Kenya3
3356:2110 - XAE3 - UnitedArabEmirates3
3356:2111 - STK2 - Stockholm2
3356:2112 - MRS2 - Marseille2
3356:2113 - XEE2 - Estonia2
3356:2114 - PAR10 - Paris10
3356:2115 - SOF2 - Sofia2
3356:2116 - XRU2 - Russia2
3356:2117 - XIT2 - Italy2
3356:2118 - XRS2 - RepublicOfSerbia2
3356:2119 - OSL2 - Oslo2
3356:2120 - MAN2 - Manchester2
3356:2121 - MLN2 - Milan2
3356:2122 - XAE2 - UnitedArabEmirates2
3356:2123 - XIS2 - Iceland2
3356:2124 - PAR7 - Paris7
3356:2125 - LON4 - London4
3356:2126 - XIS4 - Iceland4
3356:2127 - IST2 - Istanbul2
3356:2128 - LDS1 - Leeds1
3356:2129 - BHE1 - Birmingham1
3356:2130 - TLV1 - TelAviv1
3356:2131 - ZUR3 - Zurich3
3356:2132 - LON14 - London14
3356:2133 - ANK1 - Ankara1
3356:2171 - HKG3 - HongKong3
3356:2172 - SNG3 - Singapore3
3356:2173 - SYD1 - Sydney1
3356:2174 - TOK4 - Tokyo4
3356:2190 - Sao Paulo
country communities
3356:500 - UK
3356:501 - Germany
3356:502 - France
3356:503 - Netherlands
3356:504 - Belgium
3356:505 - Italy
3356:506 - Switzerland
3356:507 - Sweden
3356:508 - Spain
3356:509 - Ireland
3356:510 - Denmark
3356:511 - Austria
3356:512 - Czech Republic
3356:513 - Poland
3356:514 - Bulgaria
3356:515 - Romania
3356:516 - Hungary
3356:517 - Norway
3356:518 - Slovakia
3356:519 - Finland
3356:520 - Luxembourg
3356:521 - Croatia
3356:522 - Slovenia
3356:523 - Estonia
3356:524 - Serbia
3356:525 - Iceland
3356:550 - Saudi Arabia
3356:551 - Djibouti
3356:552 - South Africa
3356:553 - United Arab Emirates
3356:554 - Russia
3356:555 - Kenya
3356:556 - Turkey
3356:557 - Israel
3356:575 - USA
3356:576 - Canada
3356:577 - Mexico
3356:701 - China
3356:702 - Australia
3356:703 - Singapore
3356:704 - Japan
3356:800 - Brazil
3356:801 - Argentina

regional communities
3356:2 - Europe
3356:3 - North America
3356:4 - APAC
3356:5 - LATAM


Communities accepted from customers


customer traffic engineering (TE) notes
Communities allow suppress or prepend to peer AS, where
- peer AS has a peering connection to Level 3
- peer AS is not a customer of Level 3
customer traffic engineering communities - Suppression
64960:XXX - announce to AS XXX if 65000:0
65000:0 - announce to customers but not to peers
65000:XXX - do not announce at peerings to AS XXX
customer traffic engineering communities - Prepending
65001:0 - prepend once to all peers
65001:XXX - prepend once at peerings to AS XXX
65002:0 - prepend twice to all peers
65002:XXX - prepend twice at peerings to AS XXX
65003:0 - prepend 3x to all peers
65003:XXX - prepend 3x at peerings to AS XXX
65004:0 - prepend 4x to all peers
65004:XXX - prepend 4x at peerings to AS XXX
customer traffic engineering communities - LocalPref
3356:70 - set local preference to 70
3356:80 - set local preference to 80
3356:90 - set local preference to 90
customer traffic engineering communities - Blackhole
3356:9999 - blackhole (discard) traffic

Traffic destined for any prefixes tagged with this
community will be discarded at ingress to the Level 3
network. The prefix must be one permitted by the
customer's existing ingress BGP filter. may need to be contacted to allow
in some cases. For some router vendors the peering
must be changed to an eBGP multihop session on the Level
3 side of the connection.

Please contact with any questions
regarding this functionality.
* Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal
* data has been removed from this object.
* To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at:
* Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal
* data has been removed from this object.
* To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at:

The above information was collected from, using
object "AS3356" on Feburary 15, 2025

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